You need a waterproof enclosure to get close to the action without killing your camera. Here's how to make one. This design will work with almost any camera, digital camera, or camcorder. It gives you access to all the camcorder's features. You can either look throught the bag into the viewfinder or use the lcd, although most lcds aren't any good in sunlight. I wanted mine for kitesurfing, but it'll work underwater too. If it leaks you'll be able to see water in the bottom of the bag or bubbles escaping and return to the surface before your camera is harmed.
Обилие владельцев цифровых камер, порождает новые сферы применения этих устройств. В сети появилась новинка из серии "Оч.Умелые ручки". Оказывается корпус для подводной съемки можно сделать самому. Результат будет выглядеть так.
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